Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Work Goes On

Alright, before I forget again, I need a package. Well, I need razor heads. They are insanely expensive here, and I could use some socks as well. Also there are institute study books that accompany the scriptures. They have them here, I just prefer them in English. Could you possibly search for them? At least the New Testament and Book of Mormon ones, but if you can grab them all, I won't complain.

I don't really know if my week has been much more exciting than yours. We had a ward activity on Saturday and one of our investigators came and brought a friend. He is from Senegal, or however it's spelled, and speaks 4 languages, is super smart and humble, and Muslim. We showed him the temple and he wanted to enter so we explained about that and that he has to be baptized first. He said okay, how do I get baptized? So we explained and supposedly he is going to start coming to church. He has been to other Evangelical Churches so he is familiar with Christianity. We are hoping all will go well with him. We are going to give him a Book of Mormon on Friday.

On Monday, I received a call from the husband/father of the two that were baptized in Toledo. He told me that now he is ready and wants to be baptized. Then I called the Zone Leaders in his area and that night they interviewed him and he passed. Then president informed me that unless they come to the stake center, I can't go to his baptism. There aren't Elders in Toledo right now, I taught him for 7 months, and baptized his daughter and wife. I would like to see him baptized but I can't leave my area for like 4 hours to do it. So, right now I am in the process of finding rides in cars from members in Toledo to bring him here. I am still pretty excited about it cause one day he is going to be a bishop or something.

Other than that, I had exchanges for a day with my zone leader, an ex assistant, and he is like super obedient. So we were going to the metro and I forgot he doesn't have a monthly pass, so I just walked in and started down the escalator. When I looked backed to talk to him he was buying his ticket. In order to not be out of his sight, I started running up the down escalator. Well, I decided to try and just jump the last 3 stairs or something and when I went to jump, I tripped. Yeah, typical fat kid joke. I just started laughing. It wouldn't have been so bad, but a train had just arrived, so about 100 people saw what I did when they were going up the other escalator. It was pretty legit. I pretended that someone called me on my phone so I didn't have to make eye contact with anyone.

But anyway, that is about it. Just rocking a giant bruise on my leg and a couple cuts on my arm because I am awesome. Stay pretty.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Feeling Better at Last

Hey Family,
Wow, the bathroom is like exactly the same, just newer. Why didn't you like change the order of it or something? (It is a very small bathroom and not able to be changed.) Like change at least the mirror or something. (We did change the mirror and vanity and shower!) You guys are so old! It's Okay, I am too. Almost 11 months. People keep telling me that in between 11 months and 14 months it is depressing. I, kind of like Richard, am getting my second wind. I forgot how fun it is to work, but after being sick and not being able to leave, I definitely work more now. I also have started to talk to everyone again, including the group of 15 old men playing cards in the park. That was a pretty sweet contact. Of course no one wants anything to do with us, but they all know now that we aren't Jehovah's Witnesses and that we are actually cool. So that was pretty cool.

Today we saw 3 palaces. One was this giant palace in the middle of the country side. The mission president's wife drove us and bought us lunch so it was free and pretty sweet. She is also way sweet. Plus I can practice all my stupid lines on her like "Hermana Watkins, if I had a dollar for every time I fell in love with you, I would have one dollar, because I have never stopped loving you." It's pretty great. She said she is a sucker for a good compliment so after that she drove us to our area. Pretty legit. Ha, ha.

We got some new people we are teaching. So that work goes. I also took a lot of crap because the Spaniard, on the Laker's, beat the Jazz. Then I just bring up soccer and they forget about basketball. World cup is getting close. Pretty excited for that. Other than that, not a whole lot is new. Well, nothing is ever really new. We contact, we teach, we baptize... sometimes. I read a pretty sweet talk by Brother Skousen on the Atonement. I realized that our church has about quadruple the doctrine as any other church. It's pretty great. Anyway, short on time, as usual, so stay pretty.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Scott is still Scott!

Well, I am happy the bathroom is done. (We have remodeled our master bathroom.) When you can, hook me up with some pictures. What is going to be the next project on the house? New kitchen? Yeah! Another Elder told me how one time, someone put a plastic bowl on a hot burner then went to the bathroom. When he came back, there was like a mini fire going on. He quickly put it out but apparently fires by plastic are the worst because the smell of burnt plastic stays in paint. Anyway, long story short, the insurance paid for a new kitchen. Just an option. (This option is not up for consideration by his parents!)

So today, we are in Toledo visiting old members and recent converts. We have 5 lessons planned, which is more than we currently have this week. I am starting to feel better. The drugs here are definitely a little more effective than those in the US. I bought some cough syrup and it has codeine in it. Ha,ha. Over the counter cough syrup with codeine ... works wonders because I sleep so good at night. Today will be a marathon day between teaching and taking buses. I talked with two Californians on the bus to Toledo. They are taking a 3 week tour of Europe. And they speak French, Spanish, and Portuguese between the two of them.

My old companion wrote me something funny. He said, don't promise people you are going to write them after the mission because it sucks to have to write everyone. He said he thought life would be super boring after the mission but, he is actually really busy and doesn't have time to write nor doesn't want to. Ha, ha. He promised about every Elder he knew, every member in Toledo, and every member in his last area that he was going to write them. I told him he was making a mistake. This just goes to show that more time doesn't mean more wisdom and sometimes greenies know more than veterans.

Alright, well I don't really have a lot to say. President continues to make rules. Now companions cannot take their naps at the same time, if they choose to take naps. Supposedly it is so the one companion wakes the other one up after 20 minutes. The way I see it, if I put myself to study and I am tired, I sleep. So I think it is going to end up companions taking 40 minute naps, just 20 minutes of it in the bed.

Alright, well stay pretty.
Elder D

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Short and Sweet

This will probably be short. Yesterday, I started feeling flu-ish during mediodia. I took a nap, woke up feeling worse. Then we had Ward Council at night and after that there was a game of basketball going on. Now I hadn't played basketball for awhile, so I hopped in and played for a bit. Then realized that was probably the worst idea I have had so far. So today, I am like the walking dead and knowing that I am going to talk to you kills my desire to write a long email.

News... I am now a district leader. There are only 66 missionaries left in our mission and we have baptized more than double from last year at this point. Nothing really exciting happened this week. Our president pretty much told us to stop visiting anyone who isn't progressing. But you can only contact for about 2 hours straight before you lose all desire to contact. But yeah... The work progresses. We are in the process of either dropping 3 people or baptizing three people, we will know after tonight.

The number to dial is ____________. Area code for Spain is like 0034 or 034 or 34, I have no idea. And you will be calling a member's home phone, which is supposedly cheaper than using a cell phone. If I don't answer, just ask for me and no problems. We will be in their house from around 8 until whenever you call me.

I am going to sleep now, but you stay pretty.

Elder Dunn