Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pictures This Letter

Other news, our Family Home Evening with a bunch of members and investigators Sunday night was probably the funniest thing ever. We brought brownies, and every one loved them. Then we played some Uno while drinking maté. Playing with a bunch of Argentines is the best. Ask Brother Pickett but I think Argentines are a little sketchy when it comes to rules. So pretty much we ended up being the referees to keep the family from getting too angry.

I really have nothing to say this week. Training requires super obedience and as a direct result, not as much happens. We did have 6 investigators come to church and we have 3 investigators with baptismal dates. That was pretty cool. And I learned that you cannot baptize Pentacostals. One came to church and loved it, all of it, but then said if the name Joseph Smith isn't written in the Bible it can't be true. So after a good 30 minute discussion about the power of prayer, I learned that they don't actually believe in God, or in prayer, or in anything but the Bible. It was pretty frustrating but the church keeps being true! Anyway, I am going to go eat a bunch of meat. Hope the pictures worked. Stay pretty.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

World Cup - To Win or Not to Win - Who?

What up in Murray?

Well, here we are just rockin' it. Nah, but it's pretty great. World Cup is pretty legit. I think I am required to write about it because I am in Spain, so I will. I honestly don't know who I want to win. I definitely prefer the US, but that isn't very likely. If Argentina wins, I will cry. Argentines are just the proudest people about soccer. And the members here could definitely use a little humbling. If Spain wins, that would be cool, but Spaniards are also way to prideful. I have way to many friends in Brazil, so that is out of the question. So, I think I am rooting for some other team in Europe. I haven't seen a whole game, just bits and pieces. It's way funny, because if you ask people if we can come by during the world cup, they always say yes, but then they just want you to watch the game with them. World Cup, or Satan? Think about it.

So, we have a date with a sweet Spaniard and her son. My companion, who left Sunday, wanted to say goodbye to our golden investigator, and to see why she didn't come to church, after assuring us she would, but while doing it, he said that he would go to her baptism probably. Then she asked when it would be. He said, will if you prepare yourself well, you can be baptized the 10 of July, so will you prepare yourself for this day? She said yes. So we set the date over the phone. Then when we passed by the next time, we talked with her son. Pretty legit.

So I am training. He is from Logan, like 6´5". People just give us the sweetest looks. One lady passed us in the street walking insanely fast, then did a double take, I said hey what's up half laughing, and she was all like, you guys really call attention huh? It was pretty funny. Other than that, not too much is new.

I rock the Rubix Cube. Minute 28 is my record. Pretty sure I can beat Couper in the 3 by 3. I actually have to study Spanish now to continue learning. Kind of a disappointment but maybe I will finally learn how to study.

I don't think our numbers go up at all, we just get more areas and missionaries. The shift happens here soon, and I am pretty excited for it. I gotta go up North! I am excited to see how your dance turned out. Little known fact, everyone thinks missionaries are not allowed to dance, but there is no rule against it. I looked. Hey, I forget, but next package send me your mate cup thing and straw. Bombilla. Pronounced, Bombisha. Yeah Argentina. Alright, stay pretty.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Crazy Day - Baptisms


Well, you get an email today because yesterday was crazy. We left super early to go to Toledo. We wanted to catch the 8 o'clock bus, but got there like 3 minutes late, thank you metro, then the next bus didn't leave till 9. Usually it leaves every 30 minutes but yesterday was special for some reason. So that was the internet time we lost. But, the news is the baptism was great! He is the most giant Bolivian ever, so to baptize him, he decided to get on his knees. It was actually way easy that way. I gave them the sweetest present ever. Well, not really, but it was an invitation to their sealing in the temple in one year. (Well a year form his confirmation.) So between the 14 and 27 of June 2011. Come, and attend with Elder Dunn! Yeah, it was pretty legit. I don't know if I told you how he decided to be baptized. We went to visit Toledo last transfer, and I gave him Jesus the Christ with the same promise as the Book of Mormon. If this book is true, this church is true. So like half way through the book he decided he needed to be baptized. Ha, ha. But yeah, so that's that. Using Jesus the Christ to convert.

On a funny note, when we were coming back from Toledo, like 30 minutes late, we ran into an Elder who served here 2 years ago. We started talking and we mentioned it was P-day. Then he looked at his watch, then up at us, then at his watch again and said, "Oh." We then had to explain that we had a baptism and blah blah and that we aren't horrible missionaries. It was pretty funny. Other funny news, someone in Toledo stole the pump to drain the baptismal font, so 5 of us drained it using buckets. Only took like 20 minutes actually. Pretty legit.

Another note, President has actually gone crazy. It all started with all the new rules, then today I got a call from the assistants. They informed me that starting Tuesday, I am going to train. I told them I don't know where that revelation came from but that you might want to reconsider that. But really. It's going to be interesting. I guess I am pretty excited. But really, I still know nothing about what I am doing.

On another note, we finally have a baptismal date in our area. Some sweet lady, Spanish, who we met at a BBQ of some investigators. She is just golden. Well I guess it's two baptismal dates, cause she has an 11 year old son too. It's pretty sweet. He is way cool too.

Other news, I can't remember if I told you but the investigator of the sister missionaries in this ward had a baptism, and the lady asked me to baptize her. Apparently I was strong and excitable and she liked that. Ha, ha. She is way awesome. So I was part of 2 baptisms last week and neither in my area! That's how I roll.

And mom, it's not a question of guilt to get me to send you pictures, it's about if I remember my camera or not. And yesterday I did remember it, today no. So I am sorry but remember I am your favorite youngest son. And you love me most days. Anyway, stay pretty in M Town.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A New Word That Says It All

Alright, well that was a pretty good letter mom. I have to give you props. Grats breh. The only thing that really stood out to me is that your Elders had 6 set appointments in one day. Utah is such an easy mission! Actually, our mission just got a little harder. President is trying to make us the most effective machines we can be it seems like to me. We now are only supposed to do power contacts, which are great... sometimes. I don't know about all the time. Pretty much we just go up say, "Hello I'm Elder Dunn and I know this book is true and that it can help you in your life because it has helped me in my life." Or something like that. And it's not just like a "Hey, try this sometime." It's, "Hey, we have to do this now." We also can't visit active members unless we bring an investigator. And now our first lesson is now The Overview Lesson.
1. Prayer by an Elder
2. We ask questions to see how interested they are.
3. We give an overview of everything we teach.
4. We ask them what questions they have and promise them that in 4 weeks, of visiting them 3 times a week, they won't have any more questions.
5. Invite them to be baptized.
6. Leave them with something to do.
7. Ask them for referrals.
8. Have the head of house pray.
That is the first lesson. No If's, And's, or But's about it! I think it will help a lot, with some people, but I also don't think it's very appropriate for every area. I can only ask one of the million of Romanians, "So why did you agree to let us come to your house? What are you expecting out of this lesson?" And then they will say either, "I don't understand, or I thought you guys wanted to come?" But oh well. We will see. I will keep you updated on the news.

Other funny things. Guy in the temple next to me pretty much fell asleep at every part possible. I was fighting to not laugh the whole time. I just can't picture dad having an easy time staying awake. How does he do? (He does fine!)

We were talking as missionaries today, and we decided English needs the word "ganas." We realized that whenever we are speaking in English, we just say, no I don't really want to do that, I don't have the "ganas." We just use the Spanish word the same. But the good thing about English is any word can be a verb. Well, for young people that is.

Other news, we got invited to some BBQ, so we went, ate, got a sweet contact of a Spanish lady that was there, who really wishes she was Argentine, and while at the BBQ, the drunk guy from Venezuela beat me in chess. I definitely humbled myself a little bit ha,ha.

Other than that, everyone loves no bake cookies, and a special shout out to Elders Meek and Butterfield. And yes mom, you have to post their names in my blog. Thanks for the package.

Stay pretty,