Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"Esta bien...?"

Momster 417,

Whats kickin'? I was thinking about slang the other day, well, every P day, because Spencer always uses slang in his email and I realize I don't even say boss, sick, dope, bro, or anything cool anymore. Now you can be assured that I have changed and you need not expect more!

Yeah, go Jazz. I don't know if I would be more happy if the Jazz won the playoffs or if someone in Honduras beat Spain in the World Cup. The are both equally unlikely but hey, we can hope.

And as for Spanish getting better, I don't know. Ha, ha. I do help my companion speak proper Spanish. It's hilarious because two Zone Conferences ago another native gave 10 common errors that gringos make. One of them is when they say, "Esta bien con usted?" which in English word for word is, "is it okay with you?" Well, you don't say that in Spanish. Then last Zone Conference we had another reminder that we don't say "Esta bien con usted?" Yet after that conference, which was Tuesday until the next Sunday, he said it 8 times. So I help him remember how to speak his native language. I also sometimes have to help him remember how to conjugate some verbs. I just laugh. But yeah, I can understand pretty much everything that is ever said. But, for example, yesterday we had an in depth conversation about food. And heck, I don't even know all the seasonings in English, let alone Spanish. So I just sat there looking pretty for about 10 minutes. But that's life.

No new encounters with gypsies. We have to go into one of their neighborhoods, but we go fairly early in the day so nothing ever happens. Pentecostals we run into every day and they continue to be Pentecostal. Tonight supposedly, we are going to teach some investigators and they have invited their pastor. We decided to teach the word of wisdom, which is mostly common ground. Except that it comes from a prophet.

The weather is hot, and only getting hotter. I sleep with nothing on me and wake up in a sweat. Be grateful for air conditioning. Or a fan. I would kill for one of those. Anywho, today we are going to a Barbecue. Some Argentines are going to fry up something tasty. Also, you need to drink more mate'. It is quite tasty. I am going to buy me a mate cup and spoon thingy today. Yeah. Drinking hot mate in the sun. Woohoo. And I don't have my camera today, so next week there homies.

Alright, well stay pretty,

P.S. Kacey I would love to have copies of pictures he has sent. Kris

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Scott's now a mate drinker. Allen will be jealous when I send him this letter.
    Paul P
