Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Birthday Baptisms (I hope)


I am currently shopping for new glasses. President found our that I needed them and now I have an assignment to do it. Anyway, there is a lot happening in Toledo. Our piso is old and recently the first presidency sent a message to all the mission presidents about raising the standard of living for missionaries. Our piso didn't pass inspection so we were told to start looking for others. We found 2 really good ones and invited president to come see them and our old piso since he hadn't seen it before. He came and started talking about pisos, areas, and if the wards are supporting the missionaries. He is going to send missionaries to areas where there is support. And keep in mind, there were 120 missionaries here and now there are 80. In April we will only be 60. So some areas have to get cut. Anyway, President started asking us how the ward was doing, if there was a ward mission leader yet, how are the ward councils, is the ward willing to help etc. To put it short, we could use some more support. He decided, since we have quite a few investigators with baptismal potential, to wait one more transfer then pull the Elders out. So, Elder Read and I are going to be here till March 21 then this area gets closed. Kind of sad but it's what has to happen. So I will have successfully served here 7 and a half months in one area when I go.

So that is a little of what is happening here. Other than that I am finally going to see a baptism soon. On my birthday actually, we have a family planned. They are pretty solid and actually, I met them my very first day in the field. Finally almost 7 months of teaching them pays off. But they are so good. The wife just has the best testimony, and the husband is way solid, but little skeptical about committing himself. Then the 8 year old daughter is solid too. So good stuff.

Last week, at the museum of torture, I gained a little insight on some of our sayings in the world of today. Chastity belt definitely has a history and frankly it's a little disturbing. I took pictures that I will be sending home and I grabbed a bunch of fliers to send in letters with some pictures. But there is some cool stuff there. Special mention to the Judas Cradle, perhaps the most disturbing piece of torture there is. Gotta go do what I gotta do. Stay pretty.


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