Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Still not an early riser!

Madrid Time

Okay Mom,

It's been awhile but really???? Have you already totally forgotten me? First of all, if I physically could, I am not sure if I would get up at 6:00 a.m. to talk. Second of all, my companion would never get up at 6:00 a.m. Third, I would be the least fun person to talk to at 6 in the morning, and 4th, that is borderline disobedience. So, I have no idea when you are going to call, but it will have to be when you guys wake up. Here is our schedule... 7-11 exercise and study, 11-2:30, weekly planning session in piso. Then 2:30 - 4:30, medio dia. The rest of the day is proselyting or talking to family time. But if you want to call earlier, we can push other stuff back later. I definitely will not be answering a call at 6 a.m. my time. So, I look forward to the Christmas surprise of when you call me. And FYI, 20 people have told me speaker phone is a bad idea, it is better just to talk one at a time, so probably count on that.

Residency appointments are where we go to be legal here. If you miss them, you pretty much get kicked out of the country. It's great for contacting though because everyone there is South American. It's a dream come true. Okay, other than that, my companion and I sang a duet for the ward activity in front of like 50 people. If you know my voice you know that it took quite a bit of courage for that to happen. It was pretty sick though. Now I tell those investigators, if I can sing out loud, you can pray out loud. Then, to follow up that performance, the mission had a talent show where I sang my version of Be a Missionary (Be a man from Mulan). The talent show was pretty hilarious and pretty apostate. I wonder now if the President has regrets about doing it. Ha, ha!

I attended a temple session in Spanish, no biggie, aced it. We spent like 2 hours on the metro this morning though because one train died one stop away from our switch. So we took the longest route ever to get around it, then we had to wait 30minutes in another train while something got fixed. We definitely love the metro. Alright, well missions are fun. Talk to you soon! Stay pretty

Elder Dunn

1 comment:

  1. Oh, man. Sounds like he's doin great! hahaha. What a knucklehead. :) How was talking to him on Christmas?
    Hey, does he send you any pictures? If so, you should post those, too! :)
