Alright, well don't even worry about the package. (Scott requested a package which I sent. He forgot to tell me that the address had changed and now I have the package back here. $$$$) I will make do with what I have, which is what I am doing right now. I don't know how I always run out of money before the end of the month, but I always do, so now it is just pasta/rice/or potatoes for 2 meals a day. I also still have a little bit of bread but it's going fast. It's great though, because when people ask us what we eat, or if we live well, we can honestly say, nope not really. Ha, ha.
Yes, the driving permit arrived, first one out of all the people to get it. Now I just have to learn how to drive a stick! Well, the only other question you really had was what else we do P-days besides email. Really it depends. Today we went to the temple and then played soccer and now we are emailing. I think I am just going to take a nap and maybe write a letter, but I have been going like 3 months without writing one so I don't really want to break the trend. Last week we went to El Escorial, which was really just a giant palace, I think one of the biggest in Spain. It's pretty cool I guess, if you like old historic palaces. See one of them and you see them all. Unless you are Dad.
I haven't really done a whole lot else. I have an appointment with the doctor this Friday, because I have been having some serious headaches and urination issues. I think one day I went like 30 times. None of them were longer than like 15 seconds, but every time I thought I was going to explode. Still have no idea why I have so many headaches, but I figure it is good practice for work. Even though I don't want to work, you just have to make yourself. And I didn't even get a reaction from you about the whole marriage rush excitement. What's up?
I really just don't know what you expect to hear from me. I am the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Thousands of things happen, but they all just seem so normal. We have some good experiences with youth every day. Most of them want to practice English, and none of them can even say "Hello, how are you?" properly. So we just talk to them with their bad accents, and they think they are pretty good. Anyway, probably the best story this week was we were playing basketball with these two kids we are teaching, and it started to rain, but we just kind of kept playing, before you know it, we are all just completely wet and dirty and having the time of our lives. Those two love us ha, ha. Every time we see them, they just ask us, when are we going to hang out again? We just gotta get them to church. Anyway, stay pretty.
Elder Dunn
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