Other news, our Family Home Evening with a bunch of members and investigators Sunday night was probably the funniest thing ever. We brought brownies, and every one loved them. Then we played some Uno while drinking maté. Playing with a bunch of Argentines is the best. Ask Brother Pickett but I think Argentines are a little sketchy when it comes to rules. So pretty much we ended up being the referees to keep the family from getting too angry.

I really have nothing to say this week. Training requires super obedience and as a direct result, not as much happens. We did have 6 investigators come to church and we have 3 investigators with baptismal dates. That was pretty cool. And I learned that you cannot baptize Pentacostals. One came to church and loved it, all of it, but then said if the name Joseph Smith isn't written in the Bible it can't be true. So after a good 30 minute discussion about the power of prayer, I learned that they don't actually believe in God, or in prayer, or in anything but the Bible. It was pretty frustrating but the church keeps being true! Anyway, I am going to go eat a bunch of meat. Hope the pictures worked. Stay pretty.

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