Business items first. First of all, we don't call you. Sorry... but you get to call us. It's easier that way because you can just buy a calling card and stuff. Pretty much the rules are we have to call on the 25th, we have to be inside the piso, and not too long. I was thinking I could just send you a tape of my voice in place of calling.... then I could proselyte more on Christmas. How does that sound to you? Actually that is the only business item.

This last week was great. Like 6 people promised Saturday night to come to the capilla assuring us they didn't need us to stop by their piso in the morning or call them or anything. We definitely didn't have anyone. But, at least one texted us saying he had to work. Then I texted back. Did I tell you we have texting now? Pretty awesome. I am staying in practice so don't worry yourselves. We taught a Columbian the word of wisdom and it went horribly. In case you don't know, Columbians love coffee. The next day we tried again with this old Cuban guy who is way awesome and he bore his testimony and just rocked it. So yeah, he is converted pretty much.
Other than that, I got sick Saturday night, stayed in Sunday and Monday morning, then ate Burger King Monday night. We had to go to Madrid for a residency appointment and had some time to kill there. Oh, and I get to be a legal citizen on the 18! Sweet. And that day will be the Taco Bell day. Comida rapida! Woot!!!
But yeah, the working is progressing. I think your mission in SLC is more dangerous than our mission here. The scariest thing I have had happen to me was 6 drunk Romanians who were broke and drunk making jokes about how all Americans have money. We thought they were going to rob us. Then they didn't. Actually they are way nice people, but it was kind of frightening for a second. Anyway, I am going to write dad now rocking vosotros. You all ready? Estais listos? Ha. Alright great. Stay pretty Murray.
Elder Dunn
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