Scott lands at 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, October 19th. He arrives home on Delta flight 1926.
We would love to have friends there to say welcome home!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Coming Home!
Dear Family and Friends,
The mom speaking here. We received some sad news yesterday. It seems Scott has not wanted to worry his parents with health issues and he is really struggling with one. He has been having severe headaches which have gotten to the point where he is unable to work without becoming very ill. The good news is he had a CAT Scan which came back clear. The bad news is the headaches continue to become worse. The area medical adviser has met with the doctors, Scott, and President Watkins and they have made the decision that Scott should return home for treatment on a medical release. I spoke to President Watkins today and he told me what a great missionary Scott is. Scott is currently serving as a zone leader and was asked by the president to obtain his driver's license in Spain. I know he is highly thought of. President Watkins said that Scott is sad to be coming home but is in such pain he knows that he needs to receive treatment. We do not have his flight plans yet but have been told he should arrive on the 18th or 19th. He will be honorably released at that time. Please remember him in your prayers. Here is his latest letter.
Dear Family
I am going to start with Dad's letter. Currently I am in the city of Oviedo, which is in the province of Asturias. Little known fact, Asturias is Brad Pitt's favorite part of Europe, in case anyone was wondering. And yeah, we had to go to another city to watch conference, and it is a place along the beach, so we got to see the ocean and sand. I am a little bit sad for BYU, but then again I am not going to be going there after the mission, so I guess I'm not too sad. I am also happy to hear the Kirilenko might leave the Jazz. I am just hoping for a new championship team next year. So whatever is necessary for that to happen sounds good to me. And missing sking is definitely going to be harder here seeing as there is a pretty good mountain like 30 minutes away. But it will be even better next time I go I guess. I was talking with a kid who loves to board, and I told him he should learn to ski. He said he would like to and now I am glad I can tell him that I can let him borrow a pair of skis because my Dad just keeps buying new equipment.
Anyway, the weather is a lot wetter here. I kind of like it. Maybe I will move to Washington after the mission. We have had it rain on us during our soccer activity two Saturdays in a row and it is always way more fun that way. And wow, Craig is going to Mexico. What part? Does he know that I speak Spanish? Actually supposedly from what Spaniards tell me, Mexican Spanish from Spanish here is the most different from any other Spanish, so I would probably struggle in Mexico. And so neither Craig nor Dennis have proposed yet? Ha, ha. I keep thinking I am going to go home to married siblings but maybe not. And yes, you can finish applying to the U whenever you want. About transfers, there is one the 16 or 17 of October, whatever Monday that is, but I think my companion and I are both staying. I still have no idea what I am doing and he just barely figured it out, so if we both don't stay, I will just be a little lost puppy. Speaking of lost puppy, I got beso-ed again. This time by a 17 year old Ecuadorian, all of a sudden I felt the warm smooth cheek of a woman against mine. I don't even know if I feel bad, because it was the tenderest mercy of the Lord at that time. Ha, ha. It's funny though because if one companion takes it, the other has to as well, or you just make the person super embarrassed and defensive. So next time we will have to tell her we don't beso. And actually there is a ton of work here. In our branch of 40 people, like 15 of them are recent converts from one year, and 15 others are recent converts from 2 years. Then a couple other families and junk come that have been members for a while.
Well the only other thing of interest was conference. But I feel like missionaries also just talk a ton about it, so I will be short. It's real good. Oh, another funny story was from Monday, when we were shopping for food, we were thinking about buying a leg of ham. Like a leg, from a pig, cured, and sold. And while we were debating this in English, some 21 year old blond blue eyed New Yorker said, oh wow English. Where are you from? We then told her a little bit about what we did and who we were, then she told us a little bit about pig legs, and how black hoofed pig legs are always way better than white hoofed legs. So, we decided not to buy the leg, because it had a white hoof. We actually ended up talking to her for like an hour, which was way weird considering we were right by the refrigerated section and I was freezing cold, and it was pretty funny because my companion did this backwards contact. He asked, have you ever asked your students about religion? They always are either Catholics or atoes because a lot of people don't like how every Catholic has to be baptized. They always like having the choice and feel like people should be baptized when they want to and when they know things. Coincidentally, that is what we are sharing. A message about baptism. Ha, ha. I was like half laughing because it was pretty sly and pretty direct. I don't even think she knows she got contacted. We are actually going to try and teach her soon. Other than that, the work continues. Stay pretty. E. D.
The mom speaking here. We received some sad news yesterday. It seems Scott has not wanted to worry his parents with health issues and he is really struggling with one. He has been having severe headaches which have gotten to the point where he is unable to work without becoming very ill. The good news is he had a CAT Scan which came back clear. The bad news is the headaches continue to become worse. The area medical adviser has met with the doctors, Scott, and President Watkins and they have made the decision that Scott should return home for treatment on a medical release. I spoke to President Watkins today and he told me what a great missionary Scott is. Scott is currently serving as a zone leader and was asked by the president to obtain his driver's license in Spain. I know he is highly thought of. President Watkins said that Scott is sad to be coming home but is in such pain he knows that he needs to receive treatment. We do not have his flight plans yet but have been told he should arrive on the 18th or 19th. He will be honorably released at that time. Please remember him in your prayers. Here is his latest letter.
Dear Family
I am going to start with Dad's letter. Currently I am in the city of Oviedo, which is in the province of Asturias. Little known fact, Asturias is Brad Pitt's favorite part of Europe, in case anyone was wondering. And yeah, we had to go to another city to watch conference, and it is a place along the beach, so we got to see the ocean and sand. I am a little bit sad for BYU, but then again I am not going to be going there after the mission, so I guess I'm not too sad. I am also happy to hear the Kirilenko might leave the Jazz. I am just hoping for a new championship team next year. So whatever is necessary for that to happen sounds good to me. And missing sking is definitely going to be harder here seeing as there is a pretty good mountain like 30 minutes away. But it will be even better next time I go I guess. I was talking with a kid who loves to board, and I told him he should learn to ski. He said he would like to and now I am glad I can tell him that I can let him borrow a pair of skis because my Dad just keeps buying new equipment.
Anyway, the weather is a lot wetter here. I kind of like it. Maybe I will move to Washington after the mission. We have had it rain on us during our soccer activity two Saturdays in a row and it is always way more fun that way. And wow, Craig is going to Mexico. What part? Does he know that I speak Spanish? Actually supposedly from what Spaniards tell me, Mexican Spanish from Spanish here is the most different from any other Spanish, so I would probably struggle in Mexico. And so neither Craig nor Dennis have proposed yet? Ha, ha. I keep thinking I am going to go home to married siblings but maybe not. And yes, you can finish applying to the U whenever you want. About transfers, there is one the 16 or 17 of October, whatever Monday that is, but I think my companion and I are both staying. I still have no idea what I am doing and he just barely figured it out, so if we both don't stay, I will just be a little lost puppy. Speaking of lost puppy, I got beso-ed again. This time by a 17 year old Ecuadorian, all of a sudden I felt the warm smooth cheek of a woman against mine. I don't even know if I feel bad, because it was the tenderest mercy of the Lord at that time. Ha, ha. It's funny though because if one companion takes it, the other has to as well, or you just make the person super embarrassed and defensive. So next time we will have to tell her we don't beso. And actually there is a ton of work here. In our branch of 40 people, like 15 of them are recent converts from one year, and 15 others are recent converts from 2 years. Then a couple other families and junk come that have been members for a while.
Well the only other thing of interest was conference. But I feel like missionaries also just talk a ton about it, so I will be short. It's real good. Oh, another funny story was from Monday, when we were shopping for food, we were thinking about buying a leg of ham. Like a leg, from a pig, cured, and sold. And while we were debating this in English, some 21 year old blond blue eyed New Yorker said, oh wow English. Where are you from? We then told her a little bit about what we did and who we were, then she told us a little bit about pig legs, and how black hoofed pig legs are always way better than white hoofed legs. So, we decided not to buy the leg, because it had a white hoof. We actually ended up talking to her for like an hour, which was way weird considering we were right by the refrigerated section and I was freezing cold, and it was pretty funny because my companion did this backwards contact. He asked, have you ever asked your students about religion? They always are either Catholics or atoes because a lot of people don't like how every Catholic has to be baptized. They always like having the choice and feel like people should be baptized when they want to and when they know things. Coincidentally, that is what we are sharing. A message about baptism. Ha, ha. I was like half laughing because it was pretty sly and pretty direct. I don't even think she knows she got contacted. We are actually going to try and teach her soon. Other than that, the work continues. Stay pretty. E. D.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Sweet 20 and just got "Beso-ed"
My whole letter is going to come from what happened to me Saturday. So, we had our two baptisms planned at 5 and 6:30, weird yeah, so in the morning we were just contacting, making the baptismal program, and filling up the font and junk. We were talking to this large Spanish family for like 10 minutes, and all of a sudden someone like shoved me. I was standing near a crosswalk so I figured someone just brushed by me on accident. I turn around and see this old guy, with a cane, laughing and mumbling to himself still with the hand used to push me in the air. So, then the Spanish family and my companion burst out laughing and it took me a second to realize what happened. Then we all laughed. But be careful of those old Spaniards, they are still kind of strong.
Then, my companion started talking to some other person, and I didn't realize so I kept walking and talked to some older Spanish lady, and we told her that we were going to have a baptismal service later that day and that she was invited. Well I really didn't think twice about it but, she showed up. We will address that later. So, we went to the capilla to finish filling up the font, and my companion decided, hey, lets go contact while we leave it filling up, I was like no dude, not a good idea, we are going to forget. He assured me we wouldn't forget. I told him if we did it was all his fault. Well after 3 really super good long contacts, we realized we needed to go home and make the cookies and brownies. So we went home, and started making the cookies and brownies. After about an hour, my companion screamed, "We forgot the water in the church!"
So we went running to the church with the cookies and junk as fast as we could, only to find that someone got there like an hour early and had turned off the water and cleaned up the little that spilled. So, then we were like, phew, only to realize that we didn't turn off the oven. So, like 10 minutes before the baptism was about to start, we ran back and turned off the oven, then ran back to the church to try and get there on time. We were only 15 minutes late so it was okay. The baptism went fine, and I went to say goodbye to this sweet old Spanish lady who came, and she just kind of went for the beso, or cheek kiss. So, after almost 15 months of being clean, I got my first beso, and liked it. No, but it was a funny story. Even funnier is if one companion gets kissed, the other one has to as well so as my companion was laughing at me, I just turned and gave him the, "Your turn buddy" look. It was pretty funny.
Stay Pretty
Then, my companion started talking to some other person, and I didn't realize so I kept walking and talked to some older Spanish lady, and we told her that we were going to have a baptismal service later that day and that she was invited. Well I really didn't think twice about it but, she showed up. We will address that later. So, we went to the capilla to finish filling up the font, and my companion decided, hey, lets go contact while we leave it filling up, I was like no dude, not a good idea, we are going to forget. He assured me we wouldn't forget. I told him if we did it was all his fault. Well after 3 really super good long contacts, we realized we needed to go home and make the cookies and brownies. So we went home, and started making the cookies and brownies. After about an hour, my companion screamed, "We forgot the water in the church!"
So we went running to the church with the cookies and junk as fast as we could, only to find that someone got there like an hour early and had turned off the water and cleaned up the little that spilled. So, then we were like, phew, only to realize that we didn't turn off the oven. So, like 10 minutes before the baptism was about to start, we ran back and turned off the oven, then ran back to the church to try and get there on time. We were only 15 minutes late so it was okay. The baptism went fine, and I went to say goodbye to this sweet old Spanish lady who came, and she just kind of went for the beso, or cheek kiss. So, after almost 15 months of being clean, I got my first beso, and liked it. No, but it was a funny story. Even funnier is if one companion gets kissed, the other one has to as well so as my companion was laughing at me, I just turned and gave him the, "Your turn buddy" look. It was pretty funny.
Stay Pretty
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
I Chose To Be A Missionary
Dear Parents,
You have tags now? That's way cool. Dad and I can exchange name tags without problems. Sweet. (The parents are also serving as Hispanic Initiative missionaries and have new name tags in Spanish)
Since you always talk about the dogs, I will talk about how I talk about dogs. I don't know why, but here in my new area, there are a ton of Miniature Schnauzers. So, I decided to start talking to everyone who had one, and just show them my pictures. It's funny because the people love talking about their dogs, just like you, so it's been a pretty effective way of contacting Spaniards. And it's always funny because people that have Schnauzers tend to have the same personality. Don't have the slightest idea why.
And yes, I kind of accepted living at home. (Scott is thinking about transferring to the Uof U) But I also figure if I live at home, you will buy me more things, so I think it will be okay. Plus I might actually study. Maybe. And yes, the health issues have been resolved. Modern medicine eh?
I am racking my brain with other interesting things from last week. Yesterday I did exchanges with a fairly new missionary. I definitely am super grateful for my ability with the language. I don't miss not knowing what is going on. Actually right now a huge problem in our zone is the lack of missionaries speaking Spanish and the lack of contacting that happens. We have no idea what we can even do more than remind people that they chose to come here. I guess something that caught my attention a lot from this week is that seeing miracles is an act of agency. We choose to see them. I don't think a lot of missionaries realize that, so it's really hard to help people who don't believe. My companion and I, who is my soul mate, sometimes just hug at night for long periods of time because we both want to work and like it. He has had some pretty difficult companions his mission.
Okay, yeah I got a story. So, we live on the 4th floor, and right across the street from us, on the 4th floor, there is another piso. So, after working, we were in the kitchen preparing mate, and we noticed like 8 girls in this piso. So, we just start like flexing, doing push-ups, just being as dumb as possible. Then, we had an American flag hanging up on the wall, so we decided to put it out the kitchen window. We did it while speaking English really loud. The girls just started laughing hysterically and said in English, do you speak Spanish? We say a little, in Spanish. They said, party, here, tonight. We said, in Spanish, it's just we can't jump that far. They laughed and tried to talk but we decided to leave the room or something. Well, we sort of talked to them, maybe awkward smiles, across the street, and laughs at them the rest of the night. Anyway, later that night, when we were sleeping, someone rang the doorbell. This woke me up, and my companion, but he didn't remember because he was drugged up on sleeping pills, and then I just proceeded to hear a lot of footsteps and girls' voices. I was a little worried for my well being, but my laziness and tiredness kept me in my bed, don't even worry. But yeah, so there is the danger of having an incredibly good looking companion and a sexy American accent.
Okay, stay pretty. Elder Dunn
You have tags now? That's way cool. Dad and I can exchange name tags without problems. Sweet. (The parents are also serving as Hispanic Initiative missionaries and have new name tags in Spanish)
Since you always talk about the dogs, I will talk about how I talk about dogs. I don't know why, but here in my new area, there are a ton of Miniature Schnauzers. So, I decided to start talking to everyone who had one, and just show them my pictures. It's funny because the people love talking about their dogs, just like you, so it's been a pretty effective way of contacting Spaniards. And it's always funny because people that have Schnauzers tend to have the same personality. Don't have the slightest idea why.
And yes, I kind of accepted living at home. (Scott is thinking about transferring to the Uof U) But I also figure if I live at home, you will buy me more things, so I think it will be okay. Plus I might actually study. Maybe. And yes, the health issues have been resolved. Modern medicine eh?
I am racking my brain with other interesting things from last week. Yesterday I did exchanges with a fairly new missionary. I definitely am super grateful for my ability with the language. I don't miss not knowing what is going on. Actually right now a huge problem in our zone is the lack of missionaries speaking Spanish and the lack of contacting that happens. We have no idea what we can even do more than remind people that they chose to come here. I guess something that caught my attention a lot from this week is that seeing miracles is an act of agency. We choose to see them. I don't think a lot of missionaries realize that, so it's really hard to help people who don't believe. My companion and I, who is my soul mate, sometimes just hug at night for long periods of time because we both want to work and like it. He has had some pretty difficult companions his mission.
Okay, yeah I got a story. So, we live on the 4th floor, and right across the street from us, on the 4th floor, there is another piso. So, after working, we were in the kitchen preparing mate, and we noticed like 8 girls in this piso. So, we just start like flexing, doing push-ups, just being as dumb as possible. Then, we had an American flag hanging up on the wall, so we decided to put it out the kitchen window. We did it while speaking English really loud. The girls just started laughing hysterically and said in English, do you speak Spanish? We say a little, in Spanish. They said, party, here, tonight. We said, in Spanish, it's just we can't jump that far. They laughed and tried to talk but we decided to leave the room or something. Well, we sort of talked to them, maybe awkward smiles, across the street, and laughs at them the rest of the night. Anyway, later that night, when we were sleeping, someone rang the doorbell. This woke me up, and my companion, but he didn't remember because he was drugged up on sleeping pills, and then I just proceeded to hear a lot of footsteps and girls' voices. I was a little worried for my well being, but my laziness and tiredness kept me in my bed, don't even worry. But yeah, so there is the danger of having an incredibly good looking companion and a sexy American accent.
Okay, stay pretty. Elder Dunn
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Heading Up North!
I figure you were getting bored with boring letters, so I started doing something every night to increase the level of awesomeness. I just write one thing about the day that I can include in a letter home. Actually a lot has happened, so I will just go in order. And by order I mean from the most interesting, not chronologically.
I am going to Oviedo on Monday. It's way up north. I am pretty super stoked because it's a great area with a lot of people and I will have a great companion. I am also going to be a zone leader, which means, I will actually have to shape up now. We found out today, way early, so we have time to make travel arrangements and junk. I am kind of sad because this little town has the town festival the week after I go. Two members and an investigator are having birthday parties, there is a special zone conference for only the Madrid missionaries, with a general authority, and we have a baptismal date. But it just means the new Elder here will love it. Actually it's my companion from the CCM here in Spain, and like my best friend in the mission, so that's cool. I also knew my new companion in the CCM, so we will have fun catching up. So that is that.
So I have this brilliant idea. Because I don't really believe that missionaries in South America contact like we contact here. If Spain missionaries and South American missionaries just switched halfway through their missions, I think it would stir things up quite a bit. We went to pass by a Peruvian guy's one night, and he hadn't returned from work, but his brother answered the door. We just decided to talk to him till he let us in, and after 10 minutes of talking at the door, we were inside drinking juice and eating pastries. It's just like a gold mine. I will definitely miss South Americans, but I will be working the Spaniards up north!
So, I have definitely learned the danger and the beauty in talking to young people. Three people have told us they want to get baptized in our church, (they have no idea what that includes but they said it), so there is gold in the youth. But we have this group of 13-16 year olds that we talked to and every time they see us, they come running up to us and hug us. They love practicing their English on us. The problem is they only know like 5 words, and 4 of them I would never repeat. But it usually turns into us teaching them the Law of Chastity, or Word of Wisdom, or some commandment. It actually turned out to be a sweet experience, because I was talking to one of them more seriously while my companion handled the rest of the group ( brave man.) The boy was like, you guys are missing out on the pleasures of life. I just asked him, if they really are the pleasures of life, why do you think we don't do them? He just kind of thought, I don't know... maybe because you are all weird? Then I asked, why do you think millions of people wouldn't do these things voluntarily, and he was all like, I don't know. Then I asked him if God told you that you could have a happier life by not doing these things, would you stop, and he said, well I guess. Then we almost got to the subject of prayer but the group got bored with my companion and started harassing me. But, two of the girls, 13 year olds and not virgins in case you were wondering, asked us if girls can be missionaries too because they want to talk to people about God. So in between f-words and crude jokes, we are slowing making progress with them.
Alright last story of the week. On Monday, we just had nothing going our way. Three set lessons already bailed, so we were running by some back up plans and contacting a bit. Well we left to go to our next supposed set lesson, and while we were walking on a rode of chalets (chalets are like nice condos, where wealthier Spaniards usually live), my companion in the middle of the road said, lets knock here. I was like, OK Mr. loving to waste time. Yeah, so he found a South American family of 4 that wants to learn more. Ha, ha. I just kind of realized, my companion is boss. It was a pretty sweet little experience. Other than that, we continue with Romanians that don't believe in God but can quote the whole Bible, and a couple of golden people that need to get married. Stay pretty.
I am going to Oviedo on Monday. It's way up north. I am pretty super stoked because it's a great area with a lot of people and I will have a great companion. I am also going to be a zone leader, which means, I will actually have to shape up now. We found out today, way early, so we have time to make travel arrangements and junk. I am kind of sad because this little town has the town festival the week after I go. Two members and an investigator are having birthday parties, there is a special zone conference for only the Madrid missionaries, with a general authority, and we have a baptismal date. But it just means the new Elder here will love it. Actually it's my companion from the CCM here in Spain, and like my best friend in the mission, so that's cool. I also knew my new companion in the CCM, so we will have fun catching up. So that is that.
So I have this brilliant idea. Because I don't really believe that missionaries in South America contact like we contact here. If Spain missionaries and South American missionaries just switched halfway through their missions, I think it would stir things up quite a bit. We went to pass by a Peruvian guy's one night, and he hadn't returned from work, but his brother answered the door. We just decided to talk to him till he let us in, and after 10 minutes of talking at the door, we were inside drinking juice and eating pastries. It's just like a gold mine. I will definitely miss South Americans, but I will be working the Spaniards up north!
So, I have definitely learned the danger and the beauty in talking to young people. Three people have told us they want to get baptized in our church, (they have no idea what that includes but they said it), so there is gold in the youth. But we have this group of 13-16 year olds that we talked to and every time they see us, they come running up to us and hug us. They love practicing their English on us. The problem is they only know like 5 words, and 4 of them I would never repeat. But it usually turns into us teaching them the Law of Chastity, or Word of Wisdom, or some commandment. It actually turned out to be a sweet experience, because I was talking to one of them more seriously while my companion handled the rest of the group ( brave man.) The boy was like, you guys are missing out on the pleasures of life. I just asked him, if they really are the pleasures of life, why do you think we don't do them? He just kind of thought, I don't know... maybe because you are all weird? Then I asked, why do you think millions of people wouldn't do these things voluntarily, and he was all like, I don't know. Then I asked him if God told you that you could have a happier life by not doing these things, would you stop, and he said, well I guess. Then we almost got to the subject of prayer but the group got bored with my companion and started harassing me. But, two of the girls, 13 year olds and not virgins in case you were wondering, asked us if girls can be missionaries too because they want to talk to people about God. So in between f-words and crude jokes, we are slowing making progress with them.
Alright last story of the week. On Monday, we just had nothing going our way. Three set lessons already bailed, so we were running by some back up plans and contacting a bit. Well we left to go to our next supposed set lesson, and while we were walking on a rode of chalets (chalets are like nice condos, where wealthier Spaniards usually live), my companion in the middle of the road said, lets knock here. I was like, OK Mr. loving to waste time. Yeah, so he found a South American family of 4 that wants to learn more. Ha, ha. I just kind of realized, my companion is boss. It was a pretty sweet little experience. Other than that, we continue with Romanians that don't believe in God but can quote the whole Bible, and a couple of golden people that need to get married. Stay pretty.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
The Same - Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Alright, well don't even worry about the package. (Scott requested a package which I sent. He forgot to tell me that the address had changed and now I have the package back here. $$$$) I will make do with what I have, which is what I am doing right now. I don't know how I always run out of money before the end of the month, but I always do, so now it is just pasta/rice/or potatoes for 2 meals a day. I also still have a little bit of bread but it's going fast. It's great though, because when people ask us what we eat, or if we live well, we can honestly say, nope not really. Ha, ha.
Yes, the driving permit arrived, first one out of all the people to get it. Now I just have to learn how to drive a stick! Well, the only other question you really had was what else we do P-days besides email. Really it depends. Today we went to the temple and then played soccer and now we are emailing. I think I am just going to take a nap and maybe write a letter, but I have been going like 3 months without writing one so I don't really want to break the trend. Last week we went to El Escorial, which was really just a giant palace, I think one of the biggest in Spain. It's pretty cool I guess, if you like old historic palaces. See one of them and you see them all. Unless you are Dad.
I haven't really done a whole lot else. I have an appointment with the doctor this Friday, because I have been having some serious headaches and urination issues. I think one day I went like 30 times. None of them were longer than like 15 seconds, but every time I thought I was going to explode. Still have no idea why I have so many headaches, but I figure it is good practice for work. Even though I don't want to work, you just have to make yourself. And I didn't even get a reaction from you about the whole marriage rush excitement. What's up?
I really just don't know what you expect to hear from me. I am the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Thousands of things happen, but they all just seem so normal. We have some good experiences with youth every day. Most of them want to practice English, and none of them can even say "Hello, how are you?" properly. So we just talk to them with their bad accents, and they think they are pretty good. Anyway, probably the best story this week was we were playing basketball with these two kids we are teaching, and it started to rain, but we just kind of kept playing, before you know it, we are all just completely wet and dirty and having the time of our lives. Those two love us ha, ha. Every time we see them, they just ask us, when are we going to hang out again? We just gotta get them to church. Anyway, stay pretty.
Elder Dunn
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Hoping For A Transfer
Did you put a door from the dining room to your room? Or do I just not remember the house at all? Sounds like the house work is coming along really well. I am real glad I won't be there for any of it.
Well I actually have no idea why I am getting a license. I am kind of scared because only 2 others are getting it, and the APs are required to have them. Luckily I am pretty sure my sarcastic nature will never allow me to be a leader. There is an area in the mission that is huge that has no Elders in it because the ward leaders don't give support. But supposedly, if there is someone that wants to learn more, or if there is a good reference, we are still suppose to send elders. So I might be that guy, who just drives and teaches. That would be sweet I would just gain like 50 lbs I am sure.
I am definitely hoping I go at the end of this transfer, which is like the 6th or 7th of September. When half the city is on vacation, and there are only like 50,000 people max in our city, and we only ever do contacts in half the city, it just feels like we talk to the same people every day. The good part about it is we know a ton of people and have a lot of friends. We also waste of lot of time because the majority of these people want nothing to do with the gospel but love talking to us. We have to say, "We are in a hurry, gotta go" like 5 times, then eventually just walk away because they won't stop talking sometimes. It's pretty funny. But yeah, I hope I go.
Yeah, I love my companion right now. We get along great. He has tough skin so we just make fun of each other all day and it's great. Plus, he likes basketball, so we get along great. We talked to some kids just carrying around a basketball one day, and told them to call us if they ever needed more people to play. We ended up playing with them one night, and they were terrible at basketball, but they are both super intrigued by what we do so we are going to teach them tomorrow. A 20 year old and a 15 year old, aka two more people that could serve a mission. And I think I am learning to study... what I like to study. In my free time, I usually just read something. The beautiful part of Mormonism is there is always something new to read. Go modern revelation. So there is always something new to learn.
Well, exciting news from this week, not a whole lot. Lots of contacting, actually I am convinced that we contact more than any other mission in the world. I would say we attempt to talk to 300-400 people a week. And we only successfully contact about 130 of those. Lots of rejection. Bring it on ladies. No I am joking. And FYI, you might just hate me mom. After being on a mission, and talking with other elders, talking with people about always progressing, having eternal families, and other junk, the whole marriage idea is pretty intriguing. Having kids is a different story, but I can see myself getting married fast now. Ha, ha. Anyway, on that note, stay pretty!
P.S. This is only the second area Scott has been in for his whole mission.
PP.S. From the MOM - I told Scott he couldn't get married until they had health insurance! A job with and income would also be a great benefit I think, but then I am just the momster!
Well I actually have no idea why I am getting a license. I am kind of scared because only 2 others are getting it, and the APs are required to have them. Luckily I am pretty sure my sarcastic nature will never allow me to be a leader. There is an area in the mission that is huge that has no Elders in it because the ward leaders don't give support. But supposedly, if there is someone that wants to learn more, or if there is a good reference, we are still suppose to send elders. So I might be that guy, who just drives and teaches. That would be sweet I would just gain like 50 lbs I am sure.
I am definitely hoping I go at the end of this transfer, which is like the 6th or 7th of September. When half the city is on vacation, and there are only like 50,000 people max in our city, and we only ever do contacts in half the city, it just feels like we talk to the same people every day. The good part about it is we know a ton of people and have a lot of friends. We also waste of lot of time because the majority of these people want nothing to do with the gospel but love talking to us. We have to say, "We are in a hurry, gotta go" like 5 times, then eventually just walk away because they won't stop talking sometimes. It's pretty funny. But yeah, I hope I go.
Yeah, I love my companion right now. We get along great. He has tough skin so we just make fun of each other all day and it's great. Plus, he likes basketball, so we get along great. We talked to some kids just carrying around a basketball one day, and told them to call us if they ever needed more people to play. We ended up playing with them one night, and they were terrible at basketball, but they are both super intrigued by what we do so we are going to teach them tomorrow. A 20 year old and a 15 year old, aka two more people that could serve a mission. And I think I am learning to study... what I like to study. In my free time, I usually just read something. The beautiful part of Mormonism is there is always something new to read. Go modern revelation. So there is always something new to learn.
Well, exciting news from this week, not a whole lot. Lots of contacting, actually I am convinced that we contact more than any other mission in the world. I would say we attempt to talk to 300-400 people a week. And we only successfully contact about 130 of those. Lots of rejection. Bring it on ladies. No I am joking. And FYI, you might just hate me mom. After being on a mission, and talking with other elders, talking with people about always progressing, having eternal families, and other junk, the whole marriage idea is pretty intriguing. Having kids is a different story, but I can see myself getting married fast now. Ha, ha. Anyway, on that note, stay pretty!
P.S. This is only the second area Scott has been in for his whole mission.
PP.S. From the MOM - I told Scott he couldn't get married until they had health insurance! A job with and income would also be a great benefit I think, but then I am just the momster!
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